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Nature in North Iceland

Scenic nature

The stunning landscapes of North Iceland captivate all who visit. Here, you'll discover awe-inspiring gorges like Kolugljúfur and Jökulsárgljúfur, and striking sea stacks such as Hvítserk and Stórakarl. Evidence of volcanic activity can be seen in Mývatnssveit, and Ásbyrgi, shaped by a glacial eruption thousands of years ago, is a must-see.

Numerous waterfalls grace the region, including Europe's most powerful waterfall, Dettifoss, the historic Goðafoss, and the picturesque Aldeyjarfoss.

Surrounded by majestic mountains, North Iceland offers a variety of hiking trails for mountaineers, allowing everyone to revel in its natural beauty

The highlands

Highland excursions taking you to Herðubreið the “Queen of Mountains”, Kverkfjöll or Hveravellir are extremely popular. Walking in the fresh mountain air or driving along unmade trails in super jeeps and other rough terrain vehicles is an amazing experience. In Arnarvatnsheiði, south of Húnaflói, trout fishing in the wild, lonely nature is a special enjoyment for the keen angler.

Family friendly

North Iceland is an ideal destination for families, offering a variety of unique natural experiences that cater to children of all ages. The region boasts diverse wildlife and birdwatching opportunities, where kids can learn about different species in their natural habitats.

Geothermal areas feature bubbling mud pools and colorful mineral deposits, providing a fascinating and educational experience. Numerous waterfalls, each with their own impressive views and historical significance, offer both beauty and learning opportunities.

There are also serene hiking trails and tranquil spots perfect for peaceful family outings. The geothermal hot springs in the region allow for a mix of adventure and relaxation, making them perfect for family enjoyment. With its combination of natural beauty, educational opportunities, and accessible outdoor activities, North Iceland ensures a memorable experience for families.

Waterfalls in North Iceland

North Iceland boasts stunning waterfalls, highlighted by Goðafoss, named for its historical significance and impressive 30-meter width on the river Skjálfandafljót. Dettifoss, Europe's most powerful waterfall by volume, plunges 45 meters down the Jökulsá á Fjöllum river. Nearby, Selfoss offers a tranquil cascade over multiple smaller falls, spanning 100 meters wide. Aldeyjarfoss, known for its dramatic basalt columns, provides a unique sight on the river Skjálfandafljót. These waterfalls in North Iceland showcase both the raw power and serene beauty of nature, making them must-see destinations for visitors exploring the region's natural wonders.

National parks in North Iceland
North Iceland boasts stunning national parks and nature reserves, highlighted by Vatnajökull National Park, which spans the northeastern region with diverse landscapes, including volcanoes, glaciers, and waterfalls like Dettifoss. Jökulsárgljúfur Canyon, part of this park, offers dramatic vistas and hiking trails. Mývatn Lake and its surrounding geothermal area are renowned for birdlife and volcanic features. The Húsavík-Flatey Nature Reserve provides habitat for various bird species and seals. These protected areas showcase Iceland's unique geology, rich biodiversity, and opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking, birdwatching, and exploring geothermal phenomena.
Beaches in North Iceland
North Iceland's beaches are known for their diverse landscapes, including black sands, picturesque dunes, and unique geological formations. They offer opportunities for birdwatching, seal spotting, and leisurely walks. Some beaches are accessible by bridges and provide scenic views ideal for nature enthusiasts. The northernmost point of Iceland also features beaches with historical significance. Overall, these beaches offer a tranquil escape with varied natural attractions, suitable for wildlife observation and enjoying the region's unique coastal beauty.
Mountains in North Iceland

North Iceland's mountains are high, majestic, and diverse, featuring a range of geological formations including tuyas, explosive craters, and ancient rock structures. They offer year-round enjoyment, with activities such as hiking in summer and skiing in winter. These mountains are known for their striking beauty, dramatic landscapes, and historical significance, providing both challenging and accessible trails for outdoor enthusiasts. The region's unique geological history is evident in its varied mountain environments, making it a captivating destination for nature lovers.

Islands in North Iceland

It is easy to access the islands around North Iceland and experience the easy-going lifestyle that characterizes them. 

Recreation areas North Iceland

North Iceland is an ideal place for all kinds of outdoor activities. Hiking and biking trails, small woodlands, streams and picnic benches, gorges and mountains. There is a lot of variety here and everyone should be able to have a great day in a pleasant environment.

Geothermal areas in North Iceland

Have you ever dreamt about walking around boiling mud pits, seeing the steam coming up from the ground, and hear the power coming from the center of the Earth? The tectonic plates run through Iceland and a visit to Lake Mývatn area and the highlands will give you a great experience. Don´t forget to breathe in the refreshing sulfur smell.