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Wildlife in North Iceland

North Iceland is the destination in Iceland known for its accessible wildlife both on land and sea.
Gyr Flacon in North Iceland
Gyr Flacon in North Iceland

Birding in North Iceland

The rich birdlife of North Iceland, distributed over widely varying habitats, displays a diversity seldom surpassed in Iceland and accessible areas for seeing species such as the Barrow’s Goldeneye, Harlequin Duck, Gyr Falcon, Rock Ptarmigan, the Great Northern Gannet, and the Guillemot. Wetlands are important as a habitat for many Icelandic breeding species, and of the Icelandic wetlands which are famed for rich birdlife, several of the most renowned is in North Iceland. Click for more information.

Here you can see the companies in North Iceland that offer facilities or tours for bird watching/wildlife explorations.


Whale Watching in North Iceland

Watching whales is one of the most popular activities among foreign visitors in North Iceland. Húsavík and Eyjafjörður were among the first places in the country as a whole that offered whale-watching excursions.

The number of species, along with favorable weather and sea conditions, make North Iceland one of the best Icelandic areas for spotting whales. Skjálfandi is a sheltered bay, and Eyjafjörður is the longest fjord in Iceland, making the locations perfect for a boat ride almost all year long, surrounded by birds and beautiful scenery.

The experience becomes complete by seeing dolphins and minke, humpback, or even blue whales play beside one of the particularly appealing oakwood boats used exclusively in North Iceland. A RIB boat tour is ideal for those who choose smaller groups and closer proximity to the whales.




Seal Watching in North Iceland

Seal watching is a fascinating experience and there is no better place to see these beautiful animals than where they are most at home i.e. in their natural habitat. Seals are naturally curious creatures and therefore, with a good camera, it should be relatively easy to get some excellent pictures of them in their proper environment. Seal watching is an experience that is long remembered, and certainly gives one a new perspective on life and nature. The Icelandic Seal Center at Hvammstangi offers an educational exhibition on seals, and gives information to people seal watching in the Vatnsnes peninsula.

Sellátur is the Icelandic name given to an area by the sea which is the breeding ground for seals and these are to be found wherever seal colonies have settled. The breeding grounds are usually close to the tidemark and seals can be seen lying on the beach or splashing around in the sea at high tide. In each colony, there can be as few as one or two animals or as many as several hundred. Vatnsnes and Melrakkaslétta are the best places in the north to study these creatures