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    Tourism in North Iceland unaffected by new volcanic eruption 500 km away

    A new fissure eruption started on the Reykjanes Peninsula by Mt. Stóra-Skógfell on Thursday, February 8th. Akureyri International Airport is open and in service. All flights are on schedule.
    Photo by Departmen of Civil Protection
    Photo by Departmen of Civil Protection

    A new fissure eruption started on the Reykjanes Peninsula by Mt. Stóra-Skógfell on Thursday, February 8th at 6:06 AM. This marks the third eruption in the area since November of last year.

    • Air traffic to and from Iceland is operating normally, and Iceland remains a safe destination.
      • Akureyri International Airport is open and in service. All flights are on schedule.
      • The eruption is 500 kilometers away from Akureyri international airport.
    • The eruption's effects are localized at the eruption site with road closures and do not threaten people.
    • All services in Iceland are operating as usual.

    Since October last year, The Icelandic Meteorological Office has observed increased geophysical activity in the area. This activity has led to repeated volcanic eruptions close to the town of Grindavík. The town has been evacuated with brief intermissions since November 10th to guarantee the safety of residents. The eruption does not pose an immediate threat to people, and no further evacuations are necessary at this time.

    All airports in Iceland are functioning normally, and all flights to Iceland are operating on schedule. The impact of volcanic eruptions is most often limited to specific, localized areas near the eruption site. Notably, previous eruptions on the Reykjanes Peninsula have not disrupted air travel to and from the country in any way.

    The Icelandic Meteorological Office, the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management, and a team of scientists from the University of Iceland are diligently monitoring the situation and analyzing developments.

    Iceland is well-acquainted with volcanic activity, having experienced three previous eruptions nearby on the Reykjanes Peninsula in 2021, 2022, and 2023. Icelandic authorities and the public are thoroughly prepared for such events, and the country boasts some of the world's most sophisticated volcanic preparedness protocols. Iceland's geoscientists are extensively experienced in managing volcanic activity.

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