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    Upplýsingar til ferðamanna vegna jarðhræringa á Reykjanesi

    Meðfylgjandi er texti á ensku sem Íslandsstofa útbjó vegna jarðhræringa á Reykjanesi, sem fólk í ferðaþjónustu getur nýtt til að senda á viðskiptavini sína eða til að veita upplýsingar eftir því sem þörf er á.

    Meðfylgjandi er texti á ensku sem Íslandsstofa útbjó vegna jarðhræringa á Reykjanesi, sem fólk í ferðaþjónustu getur nýtt til að senda á viðskiptavini sína eða til að veita upplýsingar eftir því sem þörf er á.

    Textann er einnig að finna á heimasíðunni visiticeland.com og verður hann uppfærður þar, eftir því sem þurfa þykir. Sjá: https://www.visiticeland.com/article/seismic-activity-on-reykjanes-peninsula-increasing-again

    Textann má sjá hér:

    Scientists at the Icelandic Meteorological Office have been observing increased seismic activity on the Reykjanes Peninsula that started on October 24th. There are strong indicators of a looming eruption in an area close to the town of Grindavík.

    The increasing likelihood of a volcanic eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula has prompted the precautionary evacuation of the town Grindavík to ensure the safety of the residents. The National Police Commissioner of Iceland has raised the Civil Protection Service Level from Alert to Emergency on November 10th in response to increasing seismic activity on the Reykjanes Peninsula. This is the highest level of Civil Protection Service Levels, indicating an event which has already begun and could lead, or already has led to, harm to people, communities, properties or the environment. At this stage, immediate measure are taken to ensure security, save lives and prevent casualties, damage and or loss.

    At this moment it is not possible to conclude when an eruption might unfold, or accurately pinpoint exactly where it might surface. The Icelandic Meteorological Office, The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management, and a team of scientists from the University of Iceland are closely monitoring the situation and analyzing the developments.

    Iceland is no stranger to volcanic activity, and there have been three eruptions on the Reykjanes Peninsula in the last three years. Icelandic authorities and the public are highly prepared for such events, and Iceland has one of the world's most effective volcanic preparedness measures. Iceland's geoscientists possess vast experience in dealing with volcanic activities.


    At this moment it is not possible to conclude what effects a possible volcanic eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula might have on flight traffic to and from Iceland. It is not possible to say when an eruption might unfold, or accurately pinpoint where it might surface. The location and the size of the eruption will determine what affects it will have on flight traffic. Please contact your airline for further info.


    Iceland is situated on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates diverge, making it one of the most active volcanic regions in the world. Regular seismic events are a characteristic feature of Icelandic geology, ranging from minor tremors to significant earthquakes. Seismic activity in Iceland is often due to magma movement beneath the earth's crust. It may sometimes result in magma seeking the easiest path to the surface and becoming a volcanic eruption.

    The Icelandic Meteorological Office, The National Police Commissioner, The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management, and a team of scientists from the University of Iceland are closely monitoring the situation and constantly analyzing developments. There is no way of accurately predicting whether, where, or when this could result in a volcanic eruption or the possible size of such an eruption, but the situation is being closely monitored and constantly evaluated based on the best scientific data available.

    People are encouraged to stay alert and follow news bulletins. The area is closed and Police will stop all access to the town of Grindavík.